Peach Boy Riverside Vol 08

2.499 kr.

There’s demon-slaying action galore in this stylish update to a Japanese folktale from the creator of Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid! The rambunctious, teenage Princess Saltherine is fed up with being trapped behind high walls and engineers an escape. But this world is full of monsters both human and otherwise, and it could be Sally herself is one of them… Watch for the anime adaptation, coming July 2021!

The mysterious black harefolk–revealed to be a former overlord whose powers were sealed away by Frau–absorbs an ogre horn. Overflowing with vengeance, he drags Frau into an intense battle. But then, Sally appears–with a scathing, cold-blooded look?! The battle with the overlord threatens to pull even the Heavens nto the fray before reaching a shocking conclusion!

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