Out There Screaming: An Anthology of New Black Horror

4.399 kr.

From Jordan Peele, the director of Get Out, comes an anthology of brand new stories showcasing the best Black talent from across contemporary horror writing.

A cop begins seeing huge, blinking eyes in place of the headlights of cars that tell him who to pull over. Two freedom riders take a bus that leaves them stranded on a lonely road in Alabama, where several unsettling somethings await them. A young girl dives into the watery depths in search of the demon that killed her parents.

Here you’ll find monster-hunters fighting monsters, humanoid AIs fighting for their rights, and an Igbo woman standing up to a powerful spirit. These are just a few of the worlds of Out There Screaming, Jordan Peele’s anthology of all-new horror stories by Black writers.

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Vörunúmer: 9781035040261 Flokkur:
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