Mystical Journaling Kit : Tools for Everyday Magic

2.899 kr.

Enchant your journaling practice with this essential collection of magical tools—including stamps, stickers, and a crystal—from bestselling author Maia Toll. Bring a new layer of magic to your journaling practice with these tools, meant to be used in conjunction with any notebook or journal. Keep track of your learnings, track the phases of the moon, and record your magical recipes in enchanted style using these beautiful record-keeping accessories. This set includes: Guidance for starting a magical journaling practice: An included mini book contains advice for keeping a magical journal, as well as blank pages to get you started on your own practice. Moon phase stamps and metallic ink pad: The set includes 7 unique stamps that represent the phases of the moon and a metallic gold ink pad. Sticker sheets for decorating:

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Vörunúmer: 9780762482849 Flokkur:
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