Mystic Mondays Tarot

5.399 kr.

Includes 78 brightly designed cards with hardcover guidebook: This deluxe tarot deck offers fresh interpretations of each of the major and minor arcana in a standard tarot deck. Mystic Mondays is full of positive vibes that invite you to start fresh any day of the week and helps you connect to your intuition.
•    This vibrant tarot deck features bright artwork, holographic card edges, and foil exterior to help you create an experience that is visually appealing and all your own.
•    A full-color guidebook that describes the symbolism of each card is also included.
•    Mystic Mondays was created by Grace Duong who is a multidisciplinary artist and visual designer.

This tarot card set features the strikingly perfect balance of vibrancy and minimalism and is perfect to use however you see fit.  

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