Mighty Mmw The Amazing Spider-man – Vol 04

3.199 kr.

Stan Lee and Steve Ditko created an unabashed cultural phenomenon in The Amazing Spider-Man. Their dramatic blend of Peter Parker’s everyday woes mixed with his web-slinging alter ego’s exploits was something undeniably special. And after years of perfecting that formula, Lee and Ditko unleashed their Spider-Man masterpiece—the Master Planner saga. It’s as perfect a Spider-Man story as you’ll ever find, including one of the most iconic moments in Marvel history. Peter’s first days on campus at Empire State University, introduces you to Gwen Stacy for the very first time, teases something strange afoot with Norman Osborn and features villains from the colorful (Kraven the Hunter) to the crazed (J. Jonah Jameson!)

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Vörunúmer: 9781302948993 Flokkur:
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