Midnight Suns (1-5)

3.199 kr.

An all-new story featuring some of the darker sides of the Marvel Universe, with an all-star team set to appear in the upcoming video game of the same nameRise of the Midnight Suns! A dark prophecy and apocalyptic new villains with horrifying powers the likes of which Earth has never faced before ordains a specialist team to form…and tear @#$% up! Standing in the way of the coming storm are Magik, Wolverine, Blade, Spirit Rider and Nico Minoru! But what does the terrible threat they face have to do with the past of the Sorcerer Supreme? It’s time for the dark side of the Marvel Universe to shine!

Aðeins 1 stk. eftir á lager

Vörunúmer: 9781302947187 Flokkur:
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