Mashle Magic & Muscles – Vol 12

1.999 kr.

In the magic realm, magic is everything—everyone can use it, and one’s skill determines their social status. Deep in the forest, oblivious to the ways of the world, lives Mash. Thanks to his daily training, he’s become a fitness god. When Mash is discovered, he has no choice but to enroll in magic school, where he must beat the competition without revealing his secret—he can’t use magic!Just as the battle with Doom and Mash is nearing its climax, something goes wrong with Mash’s body. Luckily, the Divine Visionaries arrive, prompting Innocent Zero and Doom to withdraw. But the battle isn’t over yet! Innocent Zero has the Wand of Beginnings and plans to use it to bring destruction to the world. With the final battle in sight, Mash, Dot, and Lance undergo a series of trials to prepare themselves for their biggest conflict yet.

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