Manifest Your Year: 12-Month Perpetual Planner

3.499 kr.

This empowering 12-month undated planner will help you manifest your dreams and bring your deepest desires into the realm of the physical, one day at a time.
Manifestation is a wildly popular concept emphasizing the strength of personal power. Put simply, what you dream, you can achieve. In this colorful weekly planner based on the book How to Manifest, wellness educator Laura Chung’s plan is distilled into easy-to-follow techniques with space for journaling. Each week you’ll find an exercise to build toward your goal—from intention setting and intuition rituals to methods for creating an abundance mindset. This manifestation planner is an essential companion on your unique journey, as well as the perfect place to track daily tasks, key events, and holidays. And because it’s a perpetual planner, you can personalize it to start whenever you’re ready.

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