Lovely Lace Knits: Learn the Art of Lacework with 16 Timeless Patterns

4.699 kr.

Master the secrets of lace knitting and create a gorgeous, handmade wardrobe in the process with 16 beautiful lacework patterns!

Let luxurious lacework knitting bring you on a mindful journey as you cast on this collection of gorgeous knitwear! For anyone who has ever been intimidated by the intricacies of knitting lace, allow designer Gabrielle Vézina to teach you all you need to know to successfully tackle this timeless technique. With Gabrielle’s extensive knowledge at your disposal, including essential wisdom for choosing the ideal yarn and needles, correcting mistakes with ease and using lifelines to keep your hard work from unraveling, lace knitting beginners will feel confident casting on every project in this book. And if lacy patterns are already your bread and butter? You will be absolutely enthralled by the exquisite variety of designs that await you!

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Vörunúmer: 9781645677321 Flokkur:
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