LGBTQ+ History Book

5.499 kr.

Presents a bold and accessible overview of LGBTQ+ history: the good, the bad, and the clandestine. 

Discover the rich and complex history of LGBTQ+ people around the world—their struggles, triumphs, and cultural contributions.
Exploring and explaining the most important ideas and events in LGBTQ+ history and culture, this book showcases the breadth of the LGBTQ+ experience. This diverse, global account explores the most important moments, movements, and phenomena, from the first known lesbian love poetry of Sappho to the Kinseys’ modern sexuality studies, and features biographies of key figures from Anne Lister to Allen Ginsberg.

Aðeins 1 stk. eftir á lager

Vörunúmer: 9780744070736 Flokkur: Vörumerki:
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