Last Comics On Earth – Vol 01 (Last Kids On Earth)

2.999 kr.

Jack, Quint, June, and Dirk are about to face a challenge unlike any they’ve faced before . . . At their local comic book store, the kids make a startling discovery: they’ve read every last issue of their favorite comic, Z-Man, and no new issues are coming…ever! (Thanks a lot, apocalypse.). Nooo!
Our heroes have but one choice: continue Z-Man’s legacy by writing and illustrating THEIR OWN COMIC BOOK! Step one? Knock off their beloved Z-Man and cast themselves as super rad, super goofy, superhero protectors of the mysterious city of Apocalyptia. What could possibly go wrong? Just about everything!
Fans are sure to love this hilarious, action-packed, four-color graphic novel series by the creators of The last Kids on Earth.

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