Knight of the Ice Vol 02

2.399 kr.

A rom-com manga on ice, perfect for fans of Princess Jellyfish and Wotakoi. Kokoro is the talk of the figure-skating world, winning trophies and hearts. But little do they know… he’s actually a huge nerd! From the beloved creator of You’re My Pet (Tramps Like Us).


After one of Kokoro’s fans spots him together with Chitose, rumors begin spreading over what kind of relationship the two could possibly have–and that Chitose is the cause of Kokoro’s slump! To keep the rumors at bay, Kokoro’s manager, Moriyama, comes up with a plan to keep Chitose close without raising fans’ suspicions–by tossing Chitose straight into the public limelight as Kokoro’s new personal trainer! But as Kokoro’s career reaches a turning point, what will it mean for Chitose’s?

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