Kemono Jihen Vol 08

2.699 kr.

Kabane and Shiki head to Yatsukubi Village in Shimane Prefecture looking for the kemono stones that are scattered across the country. They find the village deserted, as quiet as the grave, till they’re approached by a suspicious individual claiming to be with the police. Then a girl appears who seems to be in trouble–she's injured and has a small child with her. What unexpected places will this search take them?Series Overview: In a quiet rural village, livestock has been dying off in a strange manner. Inugami, a detective of the occult, is summoned from Tokyo to solve the mystery. He meets a boy scorned by the villagers, who call him Dorotabo after a yokai that dwells in the muddy fields. Inugami soon learns that there is more to the boy than meets the eye…and vice-versa.

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