Infamous Iron Man by Bendis

7.899 kr.

There’s a new Iron Man in town, and his name is…Victor von Doom! The Marvel’s greatest villain is no stranger to armor, but now he’s trying something new on for size: heroism. And where Tony Stark failed, Doom will succeed. But what is Victor’s master plan? That’s what a great number of folks want to know — including Ben Grimm, Pepper Potts and the other Iron Man: Riri Williams! In his heroic quest, Doom faces a cosmic-level adversary — and his most mortal enemy, whom he thought he would never see again! But what is the shocking truth behind Victor’s reincarnated mother? Plus: When the search for Tony Stark begins, the time comes to decide, once and for all, who will wear the armor of Iron Man!

Aðeins 1 stk. eftir á lager

Vörunúmer: 9781302952600 Flokkur:
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