Hulk Marvel Modern Era Epic Collection vol 01: Who Is the Red Hulk?

7.899 kr.

Superstars Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuinness will change the way you see the Hulk – and introduce one of the wildest Hulk characters of all time!
Red alert! There’s a sadistic new red-skinned Hulk in the Marvel Universe, with keen intelligence and a radioactive touch! Who or what is he? And with Marvel’s heroes powerless against him, will it take a Hulk to catch a Hulk? It’s an explosive battle as the red and green Hulks collide! But even as Bruce Banner is attacked by a pack of wild Wendigos, She-Hulk recruits a cavalry of super heroines including Valkyrie, Thundra, Ms. Marvel and Storm! Plus: The Defenders are reassembled to take down the Red Hulk, but he’s got a team of his own! All this and a shock ending that changes the Hulk’s life forever!

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