Hulk Maestro Omnibus by Peter David

19.999 kr.

In an imperfect future, the world finds itself in the gamma-powered grip of the Maestro – the monster once known as the Hulk! Experience the full story of the strongest tyrant there is – beginning with the all-time-classic saga from Peter David and George Pérez pitting a time-torn Hulk against his evil future self! Then the Maestro smashes Genis-Vell, son of the Kree Captain Marvel, and the Spider-Man of 2099! On the Battleworld of SECRET WARS, the Maestro rules the realm called Dystopia! And in a titanic trilogy, learn exactly what twisted the Hulk into the despot he would become – and what horrible deeds he committed on the path to conquest!

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Vörunúmer: 9781302951146 Flokkur:
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