How to Talk to Your Cat

2.699 kr.

Do you want to understand why your cat does the things it does? Claire Bessant, the original cat whisperer, teaches you how to get inside the mind of your cat
Cats are fascinating creatures; they live so closely with us, but can be difficult to fathom. Yet they do give us clues as to how they are feeling and what they are thinking – it is up to us to decipher them. Who would have guessed that, just as we thought, our cats have their own personalities which need an individual approach because no two cats are the same.
In Claire Bessant’s new update of her original bestselling book, she explores new ideas and findings to help us to understand and appreciate our own individual cats, to figure out how they approach life and to help us to figure out how we can bond with them more closely.
How to Talk to Your Cat will help all cat owners and lovers to appreciate the dynamic between our two very different species to learn how to understand our own cats. The key to success is, of course, to learn to think like a cat!

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