How To Redecorate

8.699 kr.

The book reflects the seismic shift in the way we decorate our homes that has taken place over the last decade, showcasing a wide range of living spaces, featuring everything from compact city apartments to roomier country residences.   Packed with stylish and easy-to-follow decorating advice, How to Redecorate answers common questions, including which white to use with which color, how to select a neutral group and what exactly are the three different ways to decorate? Accompanied by a wealth of inspirational new images, the book also features an expanded section on color names and inspirations, as well as guidance on how to create a beautiful working space within the home. With more than 80% new material, this new edition of the bestselling How to Decorate takes decorating to a whole new level, demystifying the process with ease and equipping you to transform your home.

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Vörunúmer: 9781784728991 Flokkur:
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