Hide by Kiersten White

4.999 kr.

What would you do for $50,000? For Mack, the prize money would be life changing. She knows her time at the women’s shelter is already up. And she’s good at hiding. At least this time, her life doesn’t depend on it–or so she thinks.
The challenge is simple. All fourteen competitors must spend seven days hiding in an abandoned amusement park from dawn to dusk. There’s only one rule: Don’t get caught.
But as the people around her begin disappearing one by one, Mack realizes this competition is more dangerous than she’d imagined, and that together might be the only way to survive.
Rendered in stunning full-color art by beloved comic artist Veronica Fish, this gripping graphic adaptation of Hide fully immerses you in the chilling and page-turning horror story of Mack and her fellow competitors as they fight to make it out of the Amazement Park.

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