Hawkeye Modern Era Epic Collection vol 02: The Reunion

7.899 kr.

She’s back! Hawkeye, the world’s greatest marksman, is reunited with his ex-wife — super-spy Mockingbird!
Thought dead for years, Mockingbird is eager to punch some bad guys. But when Clint tags along on her mission, can they ignore their feelings long enough to save the day? Or will old foes Crossfire and the Phantom Rider destroy them first? Plus: When Mockingbird is targeted for death along with Hawkeye’s former flame the Black Widow, Hawk and Mock must discover who’s killing Marvel’s super-spies — and the shock ending will leave Clint blindsided! It’s high-octane action and intrigue as Hawkeye and Mockingbird take on the world’s biggest threats — and each other!

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