Hawkeye: Kate Bishop

2.999 kr.

Kate Bishop has her sights set on the Big Apple! But a lot has changed since she was last in New York. So before she completes her journey back, she’s taken on a pit-stop case first. A confidence-booster, to prove to herself that she’s making the right decision and not going to backslide into her old ways just by changing time zones. Besides, the case is perfect: Swanky resort? Check. Jewel heist? Check. Almost definitely 100% a trap? Check! But when Kate learns who invited her to Resort Chapiteau in the first place, she has a triple mystery on her hands: Can she find a missing girl, discover what the resort is hiding…and work out what all of it has to do with her family? Get ready for your favorite Hawkeye in a high-octane thriller!

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