Guardians of the Galaxy Epic Collection: Earth Shall Overcome

7.799 kr.

Welcome to the 31st century! A thousand years from now, Vance Astro, Yondu, Martinex and Charlie-27 — the original Guardians of the Galaxy — rise to retake the Solar System from reptilian raiders! But they need a little help from the greatest heroes of the present day…and soon Captain America, Doctor Strange, the Thing, the Hulk and more will join the Guardians in the future’s greatest war! Then, as the Guardians help society rebuild, threats arise from two worlds: one of them living, the other gone mad! The Guardians meet the flame-haired Nikki and the mysterious, all-knowing Starhawk, and the team will face a baptism of fire! Plus: Thor lends a hand against the all-powerful man-machine called Korvac!

Aðeins 1 stk. eftir á lager

Vörunúmer: 9781302950439 Flokkur:
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