Guardians Box Set (bækur 1-5)

7.799 kr.

Santa Claus. Easter Bunny. Tooth Fairy. Sandman. Jack Frost. You know their names, but find out where they came from—and what evil-doer brought them together—in this complete paperback collection of the Guardians of Childhood books.

A daredevil swordsman. A chocolate-obsessed genius. A fierce and feisty queen. A strong, if sleepy, star captain. A rebel with a cause.

These are the Guardians of Childhood—though now they’re better known by their Earthly personas: Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, the Sandman, and Jack Frost. But before the Earth holidays, before the glitz and glamor, before you knew their names, they were warriors. But when faced with an ancient villain, can good truly conquer evil?

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