Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation: Mo DAO Zu Shi (the Comic / Manhua) – Vol . 5

3.999 kr.

Seeking the truth behind Xiao Xingchen’s death, Wei Wuxian uses the dangerous power of “Empathy” to gaze into the past. He discovers that years ago, the newly blinded Xiao Xingchen journeyed to the remote countryside, where he and a girl named A-Qing became inseparable. Unfortunately, the peace they found together did not last—everything changed after they saved a mortally wounded man. That man was Xue Yang, a villain who used charm to hide his bitterly cold heart. Weaving a web of lies and deceit, Xue Yang joined their quiet life while secretly scheming for a bloody encounter between old friends and foes!

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Vörunúmer: 9781685797652 Flokkur:
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