
5.499 kr.

On an impoverished and distant planet, where menial workers scratch out a living resupplying starships, the best place to be is GONE…and that’s exactly where 13-year-old ABI wants to be. Along with her street-tough friends, Abi stows away on a colossal luxury space-liner for a chance at a better life. Unbeknownst to her, some of her „friends“ are not who they seem. Abi suddenly finds herself branded a saboteur as she desperately struggles to evade the ship’s deadly crew and to stay alive!


Beautifully written and drawn by JOCK – Eisner Award winning artist of SNOW ANGELS & BATMAN: ONE DARK KNIGHT – GONE is in an action-packed sci-fi adventure where a young heroine confronts betrayal, discovers her true allies, and fights against all odds discovering that nothing is farther away than…home.

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