Gold (Plated Prisoner 5)

2.699 kr.

‘Find me in another life. Find me in them all’

Every end is also a beginning.

I was going to die. If it weren’t for Slade, I would have. But he ripped the world open for me and I went through it.

To Annwyn.

To home.

Annwyn is the realm of the fae, a magical place full of beauty and danger.

Here, I am known as Lyäri Ulvêre – the golden one gone.

And there are people in this world who want to keep me that way.

But I am not that girl in the gilded cage anymore, and no one is going to use me again. Or stop me from finding my way back to Slade.

I am my own woman. And I will find him.

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Vörunúmer: 9781405966689 Flokkur:
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