Gastronogeek Anime Cookbook

6.950 kr.

40 recipes dedicated to anime and inspired by the greatest works of recent years, from Naruto to Attack on Titan, from chef and pop-culture expert, Thibaud Villanova, author of The Unofficial Zelda Cookbook and The Unofficial Ghibli Cookbook.
Dive into an incredible gourmet universe of anime, from the great classics of the 80s to newcomers on the small screen.
Re-discover the most essential and popular works of the moment in this collection in the most gourmet way possible, from the One Piece Sanji and Tajiro Curry to the Your Name Dream Souffle Pancakes!

Aðeins 1 stk. eftir á lager

Vörunúmer: 9781803366289 Flokkur:
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