Fighters of the Pacific

9.995 kr.

The Fighters of the Pacific series includes a CORE GAME, and TWO EXPANSIONS. The CORE GAME contains everything you need to play hours of battle over the Pacific Ocean: a huge modular board, 4 aircraft carriers, 4 destroyers, 94 aircraft tokens, 91 game tokens and 8 reference cards. The complete rules and 10 scenarios are also included of course. The carrier and aircraft tokens represent the forces of 4 real aircraft carriers fighting in 1942, with a ratio of 1 token to 3 aircraft. For the Japanese, the AKAGI and KAGA form the 1st aircraft division that participated in the attack of Pearl Harbor and the battle of Midway. For the Americans, the USS HORNET and USS YORKTOWN were participating in the Doolittle Raid and the Battle of Midway too.

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