Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest – vol 11

2.199 kr.

A wizard’s job is never done! Get fired up for the official sequel to Fairy Tail, with story and layouts by original creator Hiro Mashima himself.
After stomping the guild master, Selene takes over Diabolos and commands the seven strongest members to embark on a special quest. They must navigate their way through an enormous secret labyrinth and find Elefseria’s heart. However, because Selene’s gotta Selene, she makes the quest a game where she can enjoy the spectacle of seeing the members of Diabolos fight against Natsu’s team in a deadly race to see who can reach the heart first. With half of the members of Diabolos supposedly at Suzaku’s level of strength, it’s going to be a game of survival for Natsu’s team!
Series Overview: Natsu, Lucy, Happy, Erza, and the whole Fairy Tail guild are back in action! And they’ve decided to tackle the „100 Years Quest“ – a job no one’s dared take on since the founding of the guild more than a century ago. A mysterious town, a baffling spirit, a ghastly new enemy… and a brand new continent to explore. When you’re with real friends, the adventures never stop!

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Vörunúmer: 9781646515738 Flokkur:
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