In this Mature-rated manga series by the creator of Cat in a Hot Girls’ Dorm, journey to the fictional “Ero” period of Japanese history, where sexy ninja battles await! In the bustling city of Ero, danger and excitement lurk around every corner. Arakusa, a young woman in ninja school, hasn’t even completed her training when she is called upon to serve the shogunate—doing everything from fetching his favorite erotica manga to facing off against an orgiastic church of Western invaders!Series Overview: This adult action comedy takes place during a fictional time in Japan’s history known as the Ero period, where the arts of love and war hold equal sway! A diverse cast of ninja warriors both male and female must outwit, outlast, and out-maneuver the competition, or else suffer the sexy consequences!
Ero Ninja Scrolls Vol 01
2.599 kr.
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Vörunúmer: 9781648276712
Flokkur: Manga fyrir eldri lesendur
Nánari upplýsingar
Höfundur | |
Útgáfa | |
Tegund | Kilja |
Bls. | 152 |
Útgáfuár | 2021 |
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