Drawing: Manga : Learn to draw step by step

1.999 kr.

In Drawing: Manga, accomplished artist Jeannie Lee shares her artistic insights and techniques for creating captivating manga artwork and stories. From information on character and story development to an exploration of shading and coloring techniques, this 10.25 × 13.75–inch book covers all you need to know to become a master of manga. Each step-by-step project featuring specific characters simplifies and personalizes this drawing style, serving as both a lesson and inspirational guide to prepare you for crafting your own manga world.

This comprehensive book first introduces manga fans to drawing basics, including art tools and materials, the basic shapes drawing method, shading and coloring techniques, composition and perspective, and more. Simple instructions show how to draw heads, hair, facial features, and full bodies. After learning to draw manga characters, the book then delves in-depth into character development and story creation.

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