Divided : Why Were Living in an Age of Walls

2.699 kr.

Which side of the fence are you on?

Every story has two sides, and so does every wall. We’re in a new era of tribalism and the barricades are going up.

Money, race, religion, politics: these are the things that divide us. Trump’s wall says as much about America’s divided past as it does its future. The Great Firewall of China separates ‘us’ from ‘them’. In Europe, the explosive combination of politics and migration threatens liberal democracy itself.

Covering China; the USA; Israel and Palestine; the Middle East; the Indian Subcontinent; Africa; Europe and the UK, in this gripping read bestselling author Tim Marshall delves into our past and our present to reveal the fault lines that will shape our world for years to come.

Aðeins 1 stk. eftir á lager

Vörunúmer: 9781783963973 Flokkur:
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