Design Your Own Anime and Manga Characters

4.999 kr.

For beginner to intermediate artists, Design Your Own Anime and Manga Characters demonstrates how to conceive and draw original characters for these popular art/entertainment genres.
Constructing a Character. Build a character right from the start with the basics of human anatomy and proportion.
Simplifying Forms for Poses and Gestures. Streamline form to develop effective poses and gestures from a variety of angles.
Drawing Hair, Clothing, and Accessories. Render authentic details that support your characters and enrich your stories.
Conveying Dimension, Emotion, and Character. Refine your use of line, shadow, and form to create visual variety, depth, and emotion.
Pets, Chibis, and Sidekicks. Create pets, chibis, anthros, and kemonomimi with personality.
Exercise: Design and Draw a Character. Learn a simple method for developing an original character, from mind map to finished drawing.

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