Dating and Other Theories

2.699 kr.

Dating Theory 1: Opposites attract . . .

Everything about the guy in the apartment next door drives Esther to distraction: his hipster beanie, his movie and food opinions and the fact that he won’t stop talking to her.

That is, until she realizes she can use him to distract her best friend from a bad-news ex. Esther strikes a deal with Jonathan: he can borrow her rocket-scientist knowledge for a movie script he’s writing, as long as he asks her friend out on a date.

Dating Theory 2: Enforced proximity can lead to trouble . . .

Only, the more time Esther spends with him, the more loathing turns into attraction, then into something even deeper. Before she knows it, he’s broken down her carefully constructed defences and thrown her well-ordered life into chaos.

Dating Theory 3: Love is more complicated than rocket science . . .

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Vörunúmer: 9781035025954 Flokkur:
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