Dark Tower 02 The Gunslinger: Complete Graphic Novel Saga

17.499 kr.

Now, in the graphic novel series adaptation Stephen King’s The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger, originally published by Marvel Comics in single-issue form and creatively overseen by Stephen King himself, the full story of Roland’s troubled past and lifelong odyssey is revealed. Sumptuously drawn by Sean Phillips, Luke Ross, Michael Lark, Laurence Campbell, Alex Maleev, and Richard Isanove, adapted by Stephen King expert Robin Furth, and scripted by New York Times bestselling author Peter David, The Gunslinger is an extraordinary and terrifying journey—ultimately serving as the perfect introduction for new readers to Stephen King’s modern literary classic The Dark Tower, while giving longtime fans thrilling adventures transformed from his blockbuster novels.

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Vörunúmer: 9781668021217 Flokkur:
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