Daredevil Epic Collection: Into the Fire – Vol 17

8.750 kr.

The painful past of the Man Without Fear! Matt Murdock has an incendiary mystery to solve, but he might end up getting his fingers burned! Then, terror has a new name as Daredevil faces the daughter of Mr. Fear…the emotion-controlling Shock! And when criminals including Taskmaster and Stilt-Man go to war after a small fortune, it’s up to Daredevil to keep the slippery legacy out of the wrong hands! Black Widow enlists DD’s help to investigate a murder, placing both of them at the mercy of a sadistic, telepathic killer! And legendary writer Frank Miller returns to Hell’s Kitchen, teaming with fellow DD alum John Romita Jr. to explore Matt’s early days in one of the greatest Daredevil stories ever told!

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