Dad Jokes: The Laugh Out Loud Edition @DadSaysJokes

2.899 kr.

Dad Jokes: The Laugh-out-loud Edition is the perfect gift for Father’s Day, birthdays, Christmastime and beyond. @DadSaysJokes is a community-run Dad jokes network on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, with nearly 6 million followers, inspired by the daily jokes of author Kit Chilvers’ dad, Andrew. Every day, followers submit their jokes and the team picks their favorites – or Dad just drops in his own zinger! Kit, a young social networking influencer, started his career at the tender age of 14 when he created his original platform, Football.Newz. He has since added another fourteen platforms, including @PubityPets and monster meme Instagram page @Pubity with over 31 million followers. This is his sixth book.

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