Captain Marvel: Saga of Monica Rambeau

6.950 kr.

Before Carol Danvers took the name Captain Marvel, the mantle was held by Monica Rambeau! A police lieutenant with the remarkable power to transform into energy, Monica began as a reluctant super hero — but soon rose through the ranks to become field leader of the mighty Avengers! Now, witness Monica’s debut, her earliest encounters with Spider-Man and the Avengers, and an interdimensional team-up with Thanos’ brother Starfox! Monica clashes with Powderkeg and the Sons of the Serpent in little-seen solo tales…but what prompts her to give up the name of Captain Marvel, and evolve into the next phase of her heroic career?

Aðeins 1 stk. eftir á lager

Vörunúmer: 9781302950996 Flokkur:
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