Captain America Modern Era Epic Collection – Vol 01: The Winter Soldier

7.899 kr.

The instant-classic saga that brought Bucky Barnes back from the dead — and reintroduced him to the world as the Winter Soldier!
The shocking murder of the Red Skull leaves an unfinished Cosmic Cube at large! Adding to the imminent danger, a cadre of the Skull’s followers plans to ignite bombs in the hearts of Paris, London and Manhattan! Racing against a rapidly ticking clock, Captain America must solve the mystery of his nemesis’ murder and find the Cube before it can be used to rewrite reality! But there’s a lethal assassin on the loose with an all-too-familiar face. Cap’s suspicions about the Winter Soldier will soon be answered in the most brutal way possible — tearing open old wounds and threatening to carve new scars that will never heal! Plus: Crossbones and the Red Skull’s daughter, Sin, carve a path of chaos and destruction across the U.S.A.!

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