Cable Knit Style

4.699 kr.

Create the cable-knit garments of your dreams with stunning, modern, size-inclusive patterns.
Cast On Gorgeous, Timeless Handknit Staples Every knitter knows that their handmade wardrobe isn’t complete without a good Aran-inspired sweater or two (or more!). Now the stylish cabled garments you’ve always longed for are within reach, thanks to this awe-inspiring collection of 15 cable knit patterns from visionary knitwear designer Joan Ho. Whether you’re a seasoned cable connoisseur or have always found this technique a bit daunting, Joan’s clear, expert instruction will walk you through every pattern with ease. And with Joan’s strong commitment to size inclusivity in all of her patterns, every single one of these chic, modern designs is sure to be a beloved piece in your closet for years to come.

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Vörunúmer: 9781645678366 Flokkur:
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