But You Have Friends

2.999 kr.

Emilia first met Charlotte in their school locker room in the late ’90s. They quickly bonded over indie music, feminist literature, a love of purple, and a shared sense of outsiderness. Their joyful, intense friendship evolved through the years—until Charlotte died in 2018 following a long struggle with depression.
Now, Emilia assembles her memories into a graphic memoir reflecting on the bond they shared and the ways it shaped them. As they pass in and out of each other’s lives, teenage ideals collide with adult realities, prompting reflections about the meaning of friendship.
But You Have Friends is a tender tribute to an irreplaceable friend and a sharply observed, personal account of the aftermath of loss. It is also a humorous, candid memorial that will resonate with anyone who has ever loved.

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Vörunúmer: 9781603095273 Flokkur:
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