While being transmigrated to another world, Kelvin bartered away his memories for a collection of powerful new abilities. Setting out on the ultimate adventure as the world’s strongest Summoner— with his first Follower being the very goddess who brought him over!—he soon discovers his true nature as a battle junkie.
Blade Of The Moon Princess – Vol 03
2.399 kr.
Defiant and brash, Princess Kaguya Takenouchi isn’t the ideal heir to the moon’s Silver Court. But when villainous usurpers attack her people, she must rise to the occasion and protect the imperial line.Defiant and vulgar, Princess Kaguya Takenouchi is not the heir to the moon’s Silver Court that her mother’s retainers had hoped for. But when the empress falls ill during a wave of terrorist attacks, Kaguya resolves to do right by her people and rise to the occasion.Stranded on the Tainted World, Kaguya sets out to strike an alliance with the Matsunouchi clan, a branch of the imperial family exiled generations ago. But Kiruhito Matsunouchi finds her first, and an unexpected confrontation between the two will lay bare the secrets of Kaguya’s heritage!
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