Beginning Manga : An interactive guide to learning the art of manga illustration

3.699 kr.

Learn to illustrate and create unique manga art and characters in this fun and engaging step-by-step book written and illustrated by award-winning manga artist Sonia Leong.
Beginning Manga treats aspiring illustrators to a fun, interactive learning experience with a variety of creative prompts, tips, exercises, and engaging step-by-step projects.
Starting with an introduction to tools and materials, you can learn new drawing and inking techniques, as well as how to work with color, thanks to a variety of simple step-by-step projects and prompts designed to spark creativity and inspire you to create unique manga worlds of your own. The easy-to-follow projects focus on character design, facial expressions, popular poses, characters from different genres like science fiction and fantasy, and much more.

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Vörunúmer: 9781633220751 Flokkur:
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