Barbaric – Vol 2: Axe To Grind

3.399 kr.

When a foe from Owen’s past returns, he embarks on a bloody mission to succeed where he once failed and kill a malevolent demigod. Which suits Axe just fine, considering he hasn’t gotten drunk on god blood yet! Meanwhile, Owen’s former barbarian comrade, now a timid vampire, gets cold feet about a life of violence. But in the world of BARBARIC, where orcs, giant spiders, and devil bats roam the land, and doing good is full of gore, is there any other way?

For fans of BRZRKR!, The Witcher, Conan the Barbarian, Red Sonja, Heathen, Rat Queens, and Dungeons and Dragons!Flight Ring

Aðeins 1 stk. eftir á lager

Vörunúmer: 9781638491163 Flokkur:
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