Avengers Epic Collection – Vol 11: The Evil Reborn

8.799 kr.

Henry Peter Gyrich has his sights set on stripping Earth’s Mightiest Heroes of their government charter, but when the Grey Gargoyle crashes the hearing, the only motion is Avengers Assemble! Then, the action moves to Pittsburgh before a new nemesis arrives in the form of the Taskmaster. In his first appearance, the villain who can replicate any hero’s actions, holds his own against the Avengers, Yellowjacket, the Wasp and Scott Lang, the new Ant-Man! On the way to issue #200, the team battles the towering robot Red Ronin and then unites against Ultron in an all-time classic. Also featuring Chris Claremont and Michael Golden’s iconic Avengers Annual #10 that introduces Rogue and co-stars Ms. Marvel, Spider-Woman and X-Men!

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