Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection – Vol 10: Big Apple Battleground

8.799 kr.

The Green Goblin rides again as New York City falls into super-villain mayhem – with Spider-Man caught in the center!
J. Jonah Jameson has uncovered proof that Peter Parker is Spider-Man, and that’s just thebeginning of the web-slinger’s problems! Dinosaurs are fighting Lizard on Broadway. Dr. Faustus is set to drive our hero insane. The Molten Man and Punisher are back in town. That’s just another day in the Big Apple for Spider-Man, but when the Green Goblin returns, all bets are off. Spider-Man’s secret identity, the lives of Aunt May and Mary Jane — everything is on the line! Also featuring a team-up with Nova, the first appearance of Rocket Racer, the return of the crime boss Silvermane, an Annual with more spiders than men, and Peter Parker proposes to Mary Jane! Will she accept?

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