A Year in the Castle: A Look and Find Fantasy Story Book

3.899 kr.

There’s a lot going on in the castle of King Bolebor—a peace- loving gardener—and Queen Drogomira—a brilliant inventor. There’s a princess learning sword fighting so that she can become a knight; a sweet dog in search of an owner; a dragon hiding in the cellar; a gold-counting treasurer; a friendly ghost; an annoying jester, a burly blacksmith—and many others.Vibrant and intricately detailed spreads take readers through a year in the castle, showing how an innocent mishap leads to war with the neighbors; how lives in the castle change from month to month; and how each season brings its own surprises.
Gently humorous and filled with opportunities to play “I Spy,” this delightful picture book also provides ample opportunities to talk about all sorts of topics from history and gender stereotypes to gnomes, ghosts and chess-playing frogs.

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