52 Weeks of Easy Knits

4.999 kr.

For people who are picking up needles for the very first time, or for experienced knitters who are looking for an effortless comfort project, this gorgeous book contains a fun, cozy and modern knitting pattern for every week of the year – each one a pleasure to knit. The 52 projects have been contributed by leading knitwear designers from across the world. The book uses a ‘super easy’ label to mark the patterns that are perfect for your very first knitting project. Each project is accompanied by beautiful and helpful photography, and supported by extra material on the Laine website.Following on from the bestselling 52 Weeks of Socks and 52 Weeks of Scarves, 52 Weeks of Easy Knits is a classic book to return to again and again, not just for weeks but for years to come. Knitting is more than just knit, knit, purl. It is a feeling.

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