Picture of Dorian Gray (Signature Gilded Classics)

4.599 kr.

The beautiful design and attention to detail set this special edition book apart, whether you’re reading for the first time or building a library of your favorite classic literature books.  
When handsome young Dorian Gray sees a painter’s stunning portrait of him, he is transfixed by its reflection of his own beauty. He is also troubled by the knowledge that the image in the painting will remain forever youthful and handsome while he himself will grow older and less desirable. He wishes aloud that the roles were reversed, saying that he would give his soul if only the painting would suffer the ravages of time and he were to remain forever young. From that point on, Dorian lives a life of hedonistic indulgence, knowing that only the painting will show his moral corruption.  The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde was first published in 1890. The story is set in late nineteenth-century London and follows the life of Dorian Gray, a young man enthralled with himself. Wilde’s first and only novel delivers a scathing critique of Victorian society’s superficial judgments and hypocrisy. The novel provokes philosophical thought on the duality of human nature and the ethical consequences of surrendering to one’s baser instincts. Though controversial in its time, The Picture of Dorian Gray has become a celebrated literary work still adapted today for its wit, social commentary, and timeless investigation of morality.

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