Witches, Wizards and Sorcerers: Myths and Legends (MCL)

2.899 kr.

A sparkling collection of myths and legends featuring witches, wizards and sorcerers, the most iconic figures in fantasy writing
The supernatural figure of the sorcerer, a man or woman with magic powers for both good and evil features in storytelling and legends all over the world. Wicked Witches and revered Wizards have appeared in fairy tales, legends and myths for thousands of years and continue to inspire contemporary fantasy writers.This lively collection brings together ancient stories and famous myths from a range of cultures and eras each carefully chosen and each by a different writer. Some of the nineteen stories come from well known names such as Irish poet W. B. Yeats, Andrew Lang and Brothers Grimm as well as some intriguing new discoveries from Poland, Russia, India and much more.

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Vörunúmer: 9781035031634 Flokkur:
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